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The Health Benefits of CBD



In many towns and cities, there has recently been a boom in cannabis-related shop openings. Probably you can’t even remember what was there before, perhaps an empty window with a “to let” sign. But now, there it is a brand-new shop sign with a green leaf on it. There are leaves all over the products in the shopping window as well. But what do these shops sell exactly? And probably you also remember seeing a similar product at a friend’s house. “It’s CBD oil,” she said. She bought it online and had it delivered to her. It helps her fall asleep. Does it really work? And what is CBD exactly? Let’s have a look!

Health Benefits of Cannabidiol CBD

What is CBD?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a cannabis-derived product. It is a type of cannabinoid, a natural chemical found in marijuana plants. More precisely, the second most active ingredient found in marijuana. Marijuana plants contain more than 100 cannabinoids and among these, there are CBD and THC, a “brother” chemical that is responsible for the “high” effect or other forms of intoxication linked to the use of marijuana. In the last few years, scientists have been analyzing the health benefits related to CBD, with surprising results. Here is a list of the most relevant ones:


Among all the experiments, the strongest evidence of its effectiveness has been found for the treatment of the most serious childhood epilepsy syndromes, such as Dravet syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, which don’t usually respond to antiseizure medications. A study published in the scientific journal “The Lancet Neurology” showed that patients that added oral doses of CBD to their medication had a decreased number of seizures. In particular, 214 people were monitored over a 12-weeks period and they had 36.5 % fewer seizures per month. However, research is still is in its early stages and further studies are being conducted to better understand how it can be safely used (severe side effects have been recorded in 12% of the participants).

Anxiety, Stress, Ptsd and Insomnia

CBD is commonly used to address anxiety, stress, and insomnia. A study published in the scientific journal “Neuropsychopharmacology” found that CBD helped socially-anxious people give a speech, reducing nervousness and cognitive impairment. This might be the case because CBD changes the brain receptors’ response to serotonin. As a result, it is likely to reduce stress and even improve PTSD symptoms. The US Department of Veterans Affairs is funding its first study on CBD paired with psychotherapy. CBD could also be an effective tool for those who suffer from insomnia, as studies suggest it may help both with falling asleep and staying asleep.


Pain Relief

According to a study published in the “European Journal of Pain”, CBD could help ease the pain and inflammation caused by arthritis thanks to its effect on brain receptors. Other studies sponsored by the US National Institute of Health are researching the role of CBD in relieving symptoms of chronic pain, MS pain, muscle pain, and spinal cord injuries. Further clinical trials are necessary to determine how it can be used.


There are ongoing studies looking into brain receptors that aim to learn about how CBD could in any way help people with neurogenerative disorders. In particular, CBD oil is being used for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and strokes. In addition, the oil could reduce the inflammation responsible for the worsening of neurodegenerative symptoms.

Cancer Treatment

Although no form of cannabis is endorsed as cancer treatment, the US National Cancer Institute claims that CBD may help alleviate cancer symptoms and cancer treatment side effects. This is due to its ability to moderate inflammations and change the way in which cells reproduce. It must be added that research is still at its early stages.


According to a study published in the “Journal of Clinical Investigation”, CBD could help to prevent the activity of sebaceous glands, which are responsible for the production of sebum, an oily substance that hydrates the skin. High quantities of sebum can lead to acne. Further human studies are needed to confirm the effectiveness of this method.

How to get CBD

A quick and easy way to get CBD in all its forms is CBD Shop. You can choose from a wide variety of products such as oils, body lotions, capsules and even CBD for pets. They can all be delivered to your house and if you want to know more, you can download their free guides and visit the constantly-updated section of their website about interesting facts and news.

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